Don’t blame technology for humanity’s problems

Ɲεi Ԍяαn∂σ
5 min readMay 13, 2023

One thing that makes me a little upset is seeing people using technology, in groups that have technology as their main line of vision and business, where they talk about technological trends, emerging technologies and others applied to personal and professional life — present articles and emphasize only the negative criticisms related to the topic, such as “technology will take away jobs”, “technology has separated social classes”, or “technology has generated addiction and depression in social networks and games”.

The problem is not technology, which in itself is just a tool to increase human capacity in solving humanity’s most serious problems, in addition to facilitating communication, accelerating production processes, facilitating the existence of new business models, cure for illness, entertainment, …

The problem is in people and their excesses, in their lack of balance and moderation, in their lack of emotional control, for simply letting themselves be carried away by emotions and their desires without using a minimum of reflection and rationality for their own actions.

Every era of technological transition as we are living (see waves of innovation) brought some social problems and unemployment (for those who perform some types of tasks) initially, but brought many new opportunities and jobs in new professional activities.

In reality, what we are living in is a time of greater complexity than ever before.

We can no longer treat themes in isolation due to the interdependence that exists between them.

So we have to expand our reasoning beyond the linear, understand the forest as a whole and not just the trees in isolation. And it takes some effort to change our own mental models, which is not easy.

And on this path some universal values remain valid, such as kindness, respect and consideration. And use sensitivity and empathy, because people are more important than technology.

As professionals, we cannot just highlight problems, but present and develop human-centered solutions, seek answers, make art and science.

I am aware that life is beautiful, but it is not fair, especially for the less privileged classes, but in my opinion, the only way to improve the general quality of everyone in a society is through education and better government management.

Would humanity live better without technology?
In the cave age, we had almost no technology, not many social differences (maybe), but what was the quality of life like? How long did a person live (in years)?

Between us, you and I like light and household appliances, some kind of vehicle to take us to work, sophisticated cell phones (smartphones), notebooks, movies, games, … advanced medicine, …, because that’s all technology providing us with quality of life and facilitating the connection between us.

50 inventions changed the world as we know it

Chances are, as you read this on your computer, tablet, or phone, you’re considering countless innovations that didn’t exist 200 years ago. Now, contemplate that around 105 billion people have walked the planet, with only 5.5% of that number alive today. Think of the unfathomable number of people who have lived and died without ever using a bathroom, fridge or washing machine. Or what about the estimate that life expectancy for most of human history was only 10 years on average? It’s because antibiotics, insulin and water chlorination didn’t exist 100 years ago.

Check out this infographic, created by Aperion Care, a provider of short-term rehabilitation, skilled nursing, assisted living and long-term living facilities. It lists technologies dating back to 1850, and includes current innovations and estimates on how many millions of people are likely to live longer thanks to things like artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and drones.

Questions for reflection

How was the issue of work and employment in times when there was almost no technology? In the cave age? In ancient age? In the Middle Ages?
Has the quality of life improved or deteriorated with technological evolution?
Would it be just the tool to blame for human problems, or would it be the very structure and functioning of politics, economy and society that has caused the greatest pain?

Final considerations

It is clear that it is up to inventors and companies to reflect and consider the ethical, social and environmental issues related to the products developed and supplied, as well as their users, who can use them both for good and for evil. It is also up to the public power to know and regulate whenever necessary.

Reflection and critical thinking is what we need most in these days of disruptive evolution, with new technologies that enchant and scare us at the same time. We need to consider ethics and values alignment, as well as proper regulation for the provision and use of artificial intelligence, as it is a powerful tool that greatly increases human capacity and power, so I hope it will be used more for social good and common interests than just for financial, economic and political interests.

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In Brazilian Portuguese: Não culpe a tecnologia pelos problemas da humanidade

Hugs, @neigrando

Nei Grando, director of Strategius, is a consultant and speaker on topics related to innovation and digital transformation; artificial intelligence researcher; business advisor and startup mentor. Author of the blog — Master in Science from FEA-USP Brazil. He had two software and IT solutions companies, where he led the development of portals, digital business platforms and other products. Organizer and one of the authors of the book “Innovative Entrepreneurship”, and author of three others. As a professor, he currently teaches the discipline “Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence” in an MBA course at ESPM São Paulo, Brazil.



Ɲεi Ԍяαn∂σ

Master of science (FEA-USP) with an MBA from FGV, is the organizer and author of a Brazilian Startup book, startup mentor, consultant, teacher and speaker.